
初来汉语 于 2018-01-22 发布了


工作类型 笔译 | 教育
源语言小语种 目标语言简体中文
地点不限 有效期: 2018-01-22 00:00 ~ 2018-08-01 00:00

重点关注小语种: 英语、韩语、俄语、葡萄牙语、法语、阿拉伯语、西班牙语、越语、泰语、日语等。


职位描述:job description
国际汉语运营实习生(外国留学生,或 小语种专业学生,在校实习)
international chinese operations intern (chinese-speaking foreign students, or minority languages learners, internship at school)

工作职责:job responsibilities
1、 翻译、调整文字稿件中的语句表达,符合初级汉语学习者的阅读水平与兴趣
translating and correcting the expression of texts to make it in line with the reading proficiency and interests of beginners of chinese learners
2、 参与汉语学习者感兴趣的选题策划
planning and selecting the topics that interest the chinese learners
3、 参与运营工作,涉及汉语学习者的招募与互动、活动策划、社交媒体运营、社群与用户运营等
participating in the operation, involving recruitment and interaction with chinese learners, event planning, social media operations as well as community and user operations
4、 带领汉语学习者一起学习汉语等其他运营工作
organizing chinese learners study chinese and other operation works.

任职条件:job requirements
1、 外国留学生,日常汉语会话无障碍(hsk4级以上)
the overseas students with the ability to communicate in chinese fluently (hsk level 4 or above)
2、 小语种专业能力或熟悉小语种为母语的当地人群,硕士研究生优先
minority languages proficiencies or the local population with minority languages as their mother tongues, master's degree is preferred
3、 对于帮助汉语学习者和文化传播有兴趣。
interested in helping the chinese learners and spreading the chinese culture.



成立时间 2014年12月
规模 50-200 人